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Judge pleads guilty to OVI, sentencing handed down

Judge pleads guilty to OVI, sentencing handed down

614now Staff

The Franklin County judge arrested for an OVI last week has plead guilty to her charges.

According to 10TV, Franklin County Domestic Relations Judge Monica Hawkins was fined $375 and sentenced to 90 days in jail, 87 of them were suspended. She was given a one-year driving suspension with privileges to and from work, medical counseling appointments, and child activities. She also must complete 3-day residential program within 120 days.

Whether it was driving under the influence or a concussion (like her judge is claiming), she made quite the spectacle of herself.

Watch below.

Here’s a video of Hawkins’ failed attempt to recite the alphabet.


At the time of the arrest, Hawkins refused to take a breathalyzer, so a warrant for a blood sample was issued. 10TV reports Hawkins resisted so much that Ohio Health security had to hold her down to obtain the sample. This earned her an Obstructing Official Business charge.

Hawkins’ attorney released this statement after Hawkins’ arrest:

“Monica Hawkins is recovering from multiple injuries sustained hours prior to her arrest from which she has no recollection. She suffered a serious concussion and has bruising on her face, head and torso. She has very little recall of the entire evening. We are still investigating the several unaccounted for hours leading up to her arrest. The behavior exhibited on the video is bizarre and completely uncharacteristic of her 54 years of life. She is extremely grateful that the other motorist called for assistance and no other motorists were involved.”

This story has been edited.



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