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Popular BBQ restaurant damaged by fire reopens in new format

Popular BBQ restaurant damaged by fire reopens in new format

Jack McLaughlin

It may not be in the exact same way we’ve come to know and love them, but Legacy Smokehouse is back.

The Hilliard eatery–located at 3987 Main St.–announced late last week that, while its restaurant is still undergoing repairs after being damaged by a massive fire late last year, it will begin serving food from a food truck, operating under limited hours.

The food truck will be parked in front of Legacy Smokehouse, typically Thursday through Sunday evenings, while its brick and mortar location is being rebuilt. Legacy kicked off the reopening last weekend.


While the eatery is still under construction, diners will be able to eat on Legacy’s patio.

The fire, which took place on Dec. 16, caused an estimated $200,000 in damage, and Legacy Smokehouse had been closed ever since.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new June issue here!


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