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Police are investigating a Hilliard cafe vandalization

Police are investigating a Hilliard cafe vandalization

Sav McKee

A Hilliard-Rome Road business is getting back on its feet after an incident that took place just after July 4 festivities.

Police are still investigating a Hilliard vandalism case that occurred on the evening of July 5th at 3:20am, leaving the window of Rose Bubble Tea completely shattered.

According to shop manager Jihan Ali, footage from a nearby security camera shows what appears to be two men throwing rocks through the window, then running away.


“A lot of people are concerned because this doesn’t really happen around here,” said Ali. “People are wondering about this case and reaching out and sending their condolences.”

Rose Bubble Tea at 2135 Hilliard-Rome Rd. is known for their expansive menu of signature rose milk teas, various boba teas, strawberry rose lemonade refreshers, and much more. You can still get your boba fix – they’ll remain open for regular hours during this investigation, and the glass has been cleaned up.

Want to read more? Check out our print publication, (614) Magazine. Learn where you can find a free copy of our new July issue here!


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