December 2021
Breaking news: It’s cold outside.
And while we’ve tried all the ways we know to stay warm through the winter, this year we’ve decided on a different approach.
We’re going to stay cozy inside, and appreciate the beauty of the winter weather from afar.
Our December issue of (614) Magazine, titled The Great Indoors, profiles a handful of great ways to stay engaged while indoors, with everything from igloos to woodworking to a litany of fantastic indoor fireplaces around the city to soak in during your next night out.
This issue is also packed with the same great food coverage you’ve come to expect from (614) Magazine, too, with profiles of a pleasantly whacky new Italian Village bar, an under-the-radar new pizza kitchen, and more.
We’ve even found room for coverage of a fascinating Ohio company that breaks down centuries-old barns, moves, and rebuilds them, in addition a full list of winter and New Year’s events.
Welcome to the Great Indoors, Columbus. Here’s December 2021.