Protesters Make Demands to Columbus City Council After Tyre King’s Death
by 614now Staff
September 26, 2016
Protesters return today to the Columbus City Hall with a list of demands in attempt to hold the city officials accountable for police actions in the shooting of Tyre King.
According to Fox28 the list of demands included:
- Turning the Summer Safety initiative over to the community
- Cutting the police budget by half directing that money to prevention, intervention, and community controlled policing
- Directing the $8.4 million for police facility improvements to trauma recovery and healing services instead
- Criminal justice reform task force to be appointed by the community
- Independent investigation of shootings in which police are involved.
Columbus Assistant Safety Director, Cathy Collins, said to Fox 28 that the police budget is limited and money would have to be sourced elsewhere to meet these additional demands.
According to Fox 28, faith leaders and other groups in the community are “taking a knee” to show support and community strength as they protest for awareness and police accountability in the case of Tyre King.
Photo via Google Earth