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Columbus #4 in US Workplace Happiness Poll

Columbus #4 in US Workplace Happiness Poll

614now Staff

A new report from an employee review site has ranked Columbus as the fourth best place for workplace happiness.

Kununu analyzed nearly 200,000 employee reviews from the 2016 year and compiled the averages across four unique categories.

  • Support from Management
  • Challenge
  • Environment
  • Teamwork

All this was fandoogled into math and turned into an a career happiness index.

We took the #4 spot, and according to CIO—Asia no one should be surprised, “Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Columbus is home to the corporate headquarters of retail giants Abercrombie & Fitch and The Limited, among others. The top three industries are business services, government and healthcare, according to the research.”

Rounding out the top 7 were:

  1. Cambridge, MA
  2. Palo Alto, CA
  3. San Francisco, CA
  4. Columbus, OH
  5. Oakland, CA
  6. Framingham, MA
  7. Burbank, CA


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