Taxed. Even the potato salad guy gets hit

Columbus finally got its wish: national attention. But in the form of this guy trying to make potato salad. With donations at more than $40,000 (ignore the fake $70,000 you might have seen because of fake donations), Zach Brown the mastermind or lucky duck behind the campaign might not even be fazed with the huge tax estimate on his Kickstarter. According to Columbus Business First, he is estimated to be taxed about $21,000 for his endeavor. That estimate was also based on the inflated number that has since been removed though.
Previously: July 10, 2014
Facebook doesn’t like the potato salad guy
Does anyone really look at the terms of service for anything? It’s almost universally known that you scroll to the bottom and check “yes, I agree” to whatever life altering restrictions were hidden in the legal jargon, and Zach “Danger” Brown has fallen victim to Facebook’s terms of service after his explosion of fame via potato salad. Because Facebook requires real names, the company is requesting he remove the “Danger” out of his name, which he has used without issue for three years. (The downfall of living in the limelight.)
Previously: July 8, 2014
Potato salad party: Kickstarter campaign out of control
It was all just supposed to be a funny joke between friends, sparked from a casual conversation about favorite back yard side dishes, according to the Dispatch. Victorian Village’s Zach “Danger” Brown is about to be knee deep in potato salad after turning to Kickstarter to fund a $10 side dish—he’s now raised nearly $40,000, which is probably more potato salad than he had anticipated making. Media outlets have latched onto the story of the potato salad guy (because it’s probably more fun to talk and write about potato salad than crime and murder rates), which has effectively put more fuel on the fire for Brown. Because the money has to go toward potato salad no matter what, he is planning to rent out a venue, stream the event live and make a whole party of it.
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