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Trustees: Nope, Jon Waters will not be rehired

Trustees: Nope, Jon Waters will not be rehired


Just as President Michael Drake, the Ohio State Board of Trustees is standing firm on its decision to fire Jon Waters. In response to Waters’ attorney’s letter, the trustees have said they will not revisit the issue at its next meeting and they “firmly” stand behind the decision to terminate Waters from his position in light of the investigation that exposed a sexualized culture in the band. Read full letter here. Jeffrey Wadsworth closed the letter with, “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we consider the matter closed and we are moving forward as a university.” Waters’ attorney David Axelrod was shocked, according to WTVN. “You would think that out of a sense of common decency the university would give a guy like Jonathan a chance to tell his side of the story, especially in light of all the great things he has done for the university,” he said. Axelrod also said he thought the only ones who believed in the report at this point were the university.

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Previously August 15, 2014
It’s official: Jon Waters asked to be rehired

The scandal that has plagued Ohio State since Jon Waters was terminated from his position as band director will not end. Not yet. After a brief period of silence, followed by a media frenzy kicked off by a Today show appearance, Waters has formally requested to be reinstated as the band director with a letter to the trustees from his lawyer. There’s no more beating around the bush about what his next move will be, Waters is aiming for his job. The letter to the school was dated Aug. 14, according to NBC4 (read full letter here), and cited his recent review as being marked as “excellent,” the highest rating the university gives. The letter also points out that Waters was not “given the opportunity to complete his mission to move the band’s culture in the right direction.”

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