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Columbus data director does not get to pass go, or collect $200 – heads straight to jail

Columbus data director does not get to pass go, or collect $200 – heads straight to jail

614now Staff

Stephen Tankovich, Columbus schools’ former data director, was sentenced to jail this morning for his role in the district’s data scandal. Tankovich will report tomorrow for the start of his 15-day sentence, followed by two years probation and $2,000 fine plus court costs. He is the first Columbus school administrator to serve time for the data scandal.

The scandal involved Tankovich meeting with principles each year and showing them how to retroactively withdraw and re-enroll students. By doing so, the records showed that those students hadn’t attended school for the full year, meaning that their test scores and absences weren’t a part of the school’s state report card. Administrators also withdrew students who had never left school but had low grades, changed failing grades to passing grades, and deleted thousands of absences. The changes meant that the schools appeared to have a higher performance rating than they did. Ratings that allowed some educators to get bonuses that they hadn’t earned.

Tankovich argued that he believed the system he setup was allowable, told no one to break the law, and that he was always just trying to help children.

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