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If you can’t have a snow day, at least there’s paperwork day

If you can’t have a snow day, at least there’s paperwork day

614now Staff

The Columbus City Schools Board of Education voted to amended the 2014-15 district calendar, establishing Records Day for traditional and year-round schools. Records Day will be on Jan. 14, just a few days after students return from winter break. The date was chosen because it’s near the end of the first grading period.

A Columbus Education Association (CEA) survey found that elementary school teachers spend about nine hours completing grade cards, while middle and high school teachers spend about four to six hours. And special education teachers spend 13-15 hours submitting report card data and writing progress reports. CCS Spokesman Jeff Warner said other school districts have a similar day built into their calendars and that parents have been telling them for several years that teachers need a day just for paperwork.

Even though Columbus has been light on the snow this year, and snow days (although the sneaky snow might just be lurking somewhere closer to the new year), it seems like kids are still going to get a way to stay home and eat cereal while watching cartoons.

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