Just curious…can I bring my lightsaber to the movie?

You have your tickets (probably) and you’re ready to go (definitely) to catch one of the first screenings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And you’ve dressed the part. You’re wearing your boots, your loose-fitting pants and your cloak. But what about your lightsaber? Can you take that to the theatre? (It’s so hard to know these days.)
Regal, Cinemark and AMC theaters have policies regarding such things. All say that you CANNOT wear masks or face paint. And you CANNOT bring simulated weapons to the show. AMC does draw a distinction for lightsabers. They say that you can bring them, but they must be turned off at show time.
Locally, the Gateway Film Center’s Johnny DiLoretto says that they are allowing lightsabers at the theater along with other related items — except guns. “So no blasters here.” As for turning your lightsaber off during the show, Johnny says that GFC doesn’t have a specific rule regarding that. They just expect that fans will turn them off out of regard for the film and their fellow Star Wars fans.