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Jeni’s kitchen workers facing transition or layoffs

Jeni’s kitchen workers facing transition or layoffs

614now Staff

The problems continue for the folks at Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. As it stands now, all shops are open and operating with ice cream not actually produced by Jeni’s. The product is being produced by Smith Dairy through an arrangement worked out by the two companies. Jeni’s kitchen has been shut down since the rediscovery of the listeria bacteria in early June. And now it looks as if the lingering problems are going to directly impact some employees.

Forty of Jeni’s production kitchen workers are to be transitioned to work in scoop shops…or simply laid off. The company will try to find placement in the shops for those employees, but those who don’t want to switch to the stores will be cut. The company plans to compensate those workers in-line with their tenure at Jeni’s.

At this point, Jeni’s has no timetable for returning to production.  (jj)

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