Politics of fear? – Haunted Hoochie gets political

For years considered one of the top scare attractions in Central Ohio, the Haunted Hoochie near Pataskala is synonymous with Halloween. Friends get together and head out for a night filled with horrifying scenes and frightening characters…countless things to make you jump and scream in terror. (The HH is open for business Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through Halloween.)
With more than 73,000 followers on Facebook, no doubt many of them took notice of a message that appeared on the attraction’s timeline this week. The post from Haunted Hoochie showed up at 2:12am Monday morning and, in a 1,094-word manifesto, addressed issues including free trade, veterans’ benefits and foreign aid. And in one notable section, 9/11 conspiracy theories are suggested.
…interesting how Clinton balanced our budget….that musta really pissed off the powers that be… ..because more was spent on his bj investigation then on 9/11 and it has one big hole with no plane in it in Penn (that nist says vaporized)..and the pentagon with a hole that a plane cant even fit into and no plane found(official story it vaporized)…ever hear of a plane vaporizing ? me either u know why ..because never before in history has that ever happened…
– Haunted Hoochie, Facebook post
This isn’t a criticism of anything that the Haunted Hoochie said. To be honest, we didn’t sit back and consider the merits of the arguments. Everyone has their right to free speech and expression. It just stands out when the political views are being expressed by a local haunted house. (jj)
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