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Kids look for end to ice cream truck ban in Bexley

Kids look for end to ice cream truck ban in Bexley

614now Staff

With safety in mind, the city of Bexley has a ban in place against the always tempting ice cream truck. Let your mind go to work for a second and you can easily come up with a handful of concerns that might have led to such a prohibition.

But for most kids, hey…they just want the ice cream. That’s what was on her mind recently when 8 year-old Madelynn Halpin reached out to Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler in an effort to have the ordinance overturned and ice cream trucks rolling again. Did she get her wish? No…no, she didn’t.

But the mayor did find a way to meet his young constituent halfway. Every Wednesday this summer, kids and adults alike can look for a Polar Bear Ice Cream truck to be parked from 3pm to 6pm at 492 North Cassady Avenue near the Bexley Coffee Shop. The truck made its first appearance this week.

Madelynn gets her ice cream. The mayor avoids what surely would have been known as the “Sweet Tooth Revolt.” It’s a win-win.  (jj)

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