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Weird water once again

Weird water once again

614now Staff

waternowWithout a doubt, this has been the summer of water. We had the warning about nitrates in the water. We had the weird tasting water with the algae in it. We had the Buckeye Lake damn and reduced water levels. We had the announcement of new water slides at Kings Island. We had more OSU vs Jon Waters news. And now….we’re back to the algae in the water thing.

The Dublin Road water treatment plant where we had the issue with the nitrates earlier this year has found that algae had made its way into the H2O. Dublin Road gets its water from the Scioto River and the O’Shaughnessy Reservoir. The algae has popped up there and, following the chain, it’s now turned up at the treatment plant. This has led a number of residents to call with complaints about the taste.

The problem likely stems from the currently slow flow of the Scioto River creating the right conditions for the algae to form.

The city says that the issue is being treated and that the water is safe to drink. With a little luck, the problem should not be around long.  (jj)

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