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Clinton or Sanders? Sherrod Brown endorses in 2016 race

Clinton or Sanders? Sherrod Brown endorses in 2016 race

614now Staff

10753_10151510862549800_1362815154_nThree candidates remain in the battle for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination (Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley). Ohio’s Sherrod Brown (D) has served in the U.S. Senate alongside two of those would-be presidents…Clinton and Sanders.

Today, Ohio’s senior senator announced who he is supporting the in the nomination contest…Hillary Clinton.

As Ohio’s working families continue to recover from the worst economic recession in our country’s history, we need a president who’s committed to growing our economy by lifting up the middle class. From opposing unfair trade deals to fighting for a fair financial system, Hillary Clinton has shown she puts working families first. She knows as president that her first job will be creating jobs for the middle class. I am proud to endorse her today because I know she will keep Ohio moving forward.

– Senator Sherrod Brown

In the 2008 primary fight, Brown waited until late in the process to throw his support to Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. His endorsement then came three months after the Ohio primary and at a point where the nomination was all-but-decided. In the 2016 race, Brown has weighed-in early to support the national frontrunner.  (jj)

(photo credit: Sherrod Brown)


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