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CPD catches suspected Jazz & Rib Fest crooks

CPD catches suspected Jazz & Rib Fest crooks

614now Staff

11695977_10153006148326762_6837842503567127793_nWhile thousands were enjoying the incredible jazz, tasting the amazing ribs and dodging a few unwelcome raindrops at the weekend’s Jazz & Rib Fest, some festival-goers were discovering that they had been ripped off. Several cars were broken into and items taken from inside. Thankfully for the victims, Columbus’ finest were on the case. CPD bicycle officers caught up with suspects Christina Lee and Gerald Savoie. The boys in blue were able to recover all of the stolen items and return them to their rightful owners. (Pictured here: Victims pose with the officers who found and returned their items.)

Christina Lee is facing a charge of tampering with evidence and three counts of receiving stolen property. Gerald Savoie is looking at a charge for possession of criminal tools and two counts of felony theft.

High-five, CPD!  (jj)



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