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Crowdfunding Spotlight: 1803 Bacon & Brews

Crowdfunding Spotlight: 1803 Bacon & Brews

614now Staff

[kickstarter id=”1643559920/1803-bacon-and-brews-columbus-ohio”]Each week, we give a bit of space and focus to a local would-be entrepreneur or an already-existing Central Ohio businessperson seeking support . Generally, this is someone who has ideas and goals for a product or service, but needs a bit of a boost. These folks turn to crowdfunding and we help to get the word out.

354af20023f6522435d6680e8e38fa67_originalThis week, we look at 1803 Bacon & Brews.

Matt, Jared, Josh and Tony are the four guys behind 1803 Bacon and have been out and about this year offering up tastings of their new brand of bacon and bacon-flavored products including bacon jam and bacon caramel. So far, they have more than a dozen flavors (with more on the way) and have been serving samples at various events around Central Ohio including the recent Bacon Fest at Columbus Commons.

Their goal now is to open a business called 1803 Bacon & Brews. They describe it as ‘a place where friends and family can come to relax, have a drink and eat bacon! There is certainly more to it than that, however….a full service restaurant with a bacon-themed menu and dozens of craft beers, a butcher shop with lots of bacon, ham, salami, prosciutto, locally made cheese and bread, plus artisan sodas and more.’ They see it as a place where bacon lovers could stop in for breakfast, lunch and / or dinner goodness.

Currently, the guys are scouting locations for the business. And they’re turning to Kickstarter as an avenue for community support. (jj)


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