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Crowdfunding Spotlight: Mom’s Vintage Sweets

Crowdfunding Spotlight: Mom’s Vintage Sweets

614now Staff
[kickstarter id=”1712457071/moms-vintage-sweets”]Each week, we give a bit of space and focus to a local would-be entrepreneur. Generally, this is someone who has ideas and goals for a product or business, but maybe not the funds to get their promising enterprise off the ground. These folks turn to crowdfunding and we help to get the word out.

This week, we feature Joyce Jones. Joyce is a local grandma who works at a health care center. As she nears retirement, Joyce is pursuing a new experience connected to her passion…baking. Her crowdfunding project is called Mom’s Vintage Sweets. She says she needs $1,000 to get it off the ground and with just about three weeks to go, she still needs roughly $700. Check out her video for more info.

Good luck, Joyce!


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