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Crowdfunding Spotlight: the Grandview Theatre

Crowdfunding Spotlight: the Grandview Theatre

614now Staff

Each week, we give a bit of space and focus to a local would-be entrepreneur. Generally, this is someone who has ideas and goals for a product or business, but maybe not the funds to get their promising enterprise off the ground. These folks turn to crowdfunding and we help to get the word out.

This week, we feature an already existing business…the Grandview Theatre. The theatre opened in 1926 and is one of the five oldest in the state. It has provided entertainment for an immeasurable number of moviegoers for nearly 90 years. But when David and Jen Nedrow purchased the Grandview in 2008, the place was in serious and immediate need of repair and restoration. The two expended great resources (personal and physical) to refurbish and replace everything including the walls, the ceilings, the floors, the film screen, the concession area, the lobby, the projection room…top to bottom, everything. And in the process, they encountered obstacles including floods, mechanical failures, contractor errors and misleading banks. The Nedrows both work full-time jobs to cover their personal needs and expenses for the theatre.

But now, David has suffered some medical struggles and the couple is turning to the public for assistance.  (jj)

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