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Ohio State student designs site to provide inside reviews of internships

Ohio State student designs site to provide inside reviews of internships

614now Staff

Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.20.43 AMFor many college students, getting a good, solid internship can prove to be a huge obstacle. Finding an opening is one thing, but then if the student gains the position, there’s no telling if they’ll actually learn anything or if the experience will be beneficial in any way. One Ohio State student has a plan that aims to change all of that.

The Lantern reports that 4th-year electrical engineering student Michael Fearer has developed a website called InternWire.

The idea of the site is fairly simple. Students log on to post reviews of completed internships. Future students seeking those sorts of opportunities will then be able to read first-hand accounts and know whether or not an opening is worth pursuing.

We believe students should have the right tools to maximize their time with companies that care about their interns with first class opportunities. – InternWire

The site is searchable…allowing would-be interns to sort through reviews based on various criteria including company name, location and rate of pay (if any). Reviewers offer a description of their experience along with ratings of the work difficulty, company culture and quality of the experience gained.

Fearer tells the Lantern that the site is still in its startup stage. But once word gets out, he expects people to really take advantage of it.  (jj)

(image credit: InternWire)

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