Experience the new wooden coaster at Kings Island

by 614now Staff
July 29, 2016

Kings Island in southwest Ohio announced its newest ride this morning: a 3,000 foot long, 109 foot tall wooden roller coaster called Mystic Timbers.
Though metal roller coasters have become more popular to construct in recent years thanks to their smooth tracks, some thrill junkies still savor the out-of-control feeling of a wooden roller coaster.
Mystic Timbers will the fourth wooden coaster at King’s Island in April 2017, measuring up with other wooden classics of the park, like The Beast.
See for yourself what it will be like to ride Mystic Timbers with the virtual ride below!
[su_button url=”http://nbc4i.com/2016/07/29/video-take-a-virtual-ride-on-kings-islands-upcoming-wooden-coaster/” target=”blank” background=”#e50403″ size=”6″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Read More[/su_button]