Pokémon national championships to be held in Columbus

by 614now Staff
January 27, 2016

It’s the fad that never died. As Pokémon celebrates its 20th anniversary, it was announced yesterday that the 2016 Pokémon National Championships will be descending upon Columbus July 1-3 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
A hallmark of the 90s, the Pokémon phenomenon encompassed video games, comic books, trading cards, a television show, and of course, a talking electric rodent named Pikachu.
Though Pokémon is decidedly marketed towards kids, the fact that the world-renowned brand chose Columbus as the home of its national championships is yet another sign of the capital city’s steadily growing relevance.
[su_button url=”http://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/nationals-2016/” target=”blank” background=”#e50403″ color=”#ffffff” size=”6″ icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Read More[/su_button]