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Weekend highlight: Columbus Pride Parade

Weekend highlight: Columbus Pride Parade

614now Staff

Tomorrow will mark the 35th year of Pride in Columbus.

Since its beginnings in 1981, when only 200 people marched, some with bags over their heads to conceal their identities, Pride has grown to massive proportions, and is expected to draw as many as 400,000 people this year.

It’s the first year since the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage, and after the events of the past week, there’s a renewed sense of urgency in the LGBTQ community.

The 2016 Parade Grand Marshall will be Columbus Fire Captain Lana Moore, who transitioned while serving Columbus as a firefighter.

It all starts tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. on High Street, with Pride Fest lasting all weekend.


Photo Credit to John M. Cropper


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