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Kroger to sell only cage-free eggs within 10 years

Kroger to sell only cage-free eggs within 10 years

614now Staff

Cincinnati-based supermarket giant Kroger released a new set of ambitious sustainability goals this week, where it stated its intention to sell only cage-free eggs by 2025.

Cage-free eggs come from chickens that are allowed to roam outside of a cage, but are often still kept indoors in high volumes.

“As our customer base has been moving to cage-free at an increasing rate, Kroger’s goal is to transition to a 100 percent cage-free egg supply chain by 2025,” Kroger wrote in a press release.

For comparison, only 15 percent of Kroger’s egg sales were cage-free last year.

“Our goal is to be a positive force for change in our communities and to conscientiously drive sustainability and innovation into the supply chain,” CEO Rodney McMullen wrote in a press release.

Other goals include meeting or exceeding the EPA’s “zero waste” minimum of 90 percent diversion from landfills by reusing containers and donating unsold food, and optimizing sustainability and recyclability of Kroger-brand food packaging. It also aims to increase transportation gas efficiency by 20 percent and reduce overall energy consumption by 40 percent by 2020.


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