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Clinton to slam Trump’s economics in Columbus speech

Clinton to slam Trump’s economics in Columbus speech

614now Staff

With the general election approaching, things are about to get messy between the Democratic and Republican candidates.

According to the Associated Press, Hillary Clinton is expected to blast Donald Trump’s economic policies in a speech in Columbus this afternoon at Fort Hayes.

A new poll released this morning showed Trump and Clinton tied at 40 percent overall, though voters thought Trump would have a better handle on the economy than Clinton.

Clinton is expected to spend roughly $40 million in TV ads in an attempt to knock out Trump’s favorability with working-class citizens in swing states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.

According to Clinton’s senior campaign advisor, Jake Sullivan, “If we put Donald Trump behind the steering wheel of the economy, he is very likely to drive us off the cliff.”

One major point of contention between the candidates is trade–notably Clinton’s initial support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, and her subsequent opposition as a presidential candidate.

This morning, Trump announced on Twitter that he would be making a speech on the economy tomorrow.


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6/17/16: Clinton to campaign in Columbus next week

UPDATE: Clinton’s event has been moved up to Tuesday, June 21. Details haven’t been released yet, but it’s expected to be open to the public.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is making a stop in Columbus next week as part of a three-state tour that includes stops in North Carolina and Virginia.

Clinton campaigned in Cleveland earlier this week.

Check back for all the latest updates as details emerge!


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