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Contained scuffles break out at RNC protests

Contained scuffles break out at RNC protests

614now Staff

The protests at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland have remained largely peaceful in Cleveland’s Public Square, where people of vastly different, passionately held ideologies are gathering.

This morning supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders held signs that read “Defend Black Lives Matter” and “End Islamaphobia & Racism,” while conservative groups came to Cleveland in attempts to change protesters’ minds.

Most of the time, conversations get heated, and that’s as hot as it gets.

But there were a few cases where scuffles broke out.

In one high-profile case, hardline fringe right-winger Alex Jones, of, brought a bullhorn to a parade organized by Stand Together Against Trump.

“We’re here as the American people saying that our free country is not going to have a bunch of dirty communists and globalist scumbags set up tyranny,” Jones projected over the crowd.

The crowd tolerated Jones for several minutes before chanting “Off our streets Nazi scum,” and grabbing him. Police swarmed on the scene and escorted Jones away into an unmarked car.

Other confrontations occurred between groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Westboro Baptist Church, the Black Lives Matter movement and other groups, according to the police scanner.

Fortunately, no large-scale fights have broken out at the GOP Convention, which lasts until Thursday.


[youtube id=”DPA6PJ65h5g”]



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