Drunk drivers’ cars could get their own breathalyzers

Ohio lawmakers have noticed a trend: those who drive drunk are likely to do it again. However, a new law aims to put a stop to that.
It’s known as “Annie’s law,” named for Chillicothe lawyer Annie Rooney, who was killed by a drunk driver in 2013. Her family has pushed for change since then, and legislation is finally seeing the light of day.
The law would allow first-time drunk driving offenders to ask a judge for permission to have a breathalyzer installed into their car’s ignition in exchange for a shorter sentence. Offenders would have to pay for the breathalyzer and its installation.
Judges can already mandate the installation of a device in repeat offenders’ cars.
If they can’t blow a clean test, their cars won’t start; simple as that.
The law would also eliminate the yellow “party plates” used to shame drunk drivers, citing scarce evidence that they actually discouraged drunk driving.
Annie’s law has passed through the Ohio House 84-5, and now it’s headed to the Senate.
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