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Kasich: ‘Under no circumstances’ will I be Vice President

Kasich: ‘Under no circumstances’ will I be Vice President

614now Staff

In spite of the fact that pundits are calling Ohio Governor John Kasich a great choice for Vice President of the United States, the man himself is having none of it.

During an interview on Meet The Press, Kasich emphatically rejected the notion.

“Under no circumstances, are you people kidding me?” Kasich said, “No, I’m not going to be anybody’s vice. I’m running for president.”

Analysts say Kasich’s message of moderation and his years of executive and legislative experience could lend the younger and more extreme candidates broader appeal to voters, but it sounds like they’re out of luck.

Though Kasich won Ohio, he still sits in a distant third-place in the GOP race, with Donald Trump and Ted Cruz far ahead of him.

It’s true that Kasich has won some influential backers and newspaper endorsements, but the pundits’ opinions haven’t been reflected in the voting populous thus far.


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