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Washington Post: Trump ‘erases’ Clinton’s lead in Ohio

Washington Post: Trump ‘erases’ Clinton’s lead in Ohio

614now Staff

In June, Hillary Clinton was four points ahead of Donald Trump.

Now the numbers are just the opposite: Trump has a three point lead on Clinton.

Following the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, The Washington Post reports Donald Trump has “erased” Hillary Clinton’s lead in Ohio.

According to a new poll released by the Public Policy Polling group, Trump leads Clinton in a four-person race that includes Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. When voters are asked to choose only between Trump and Clinton, the two candidates are evenly tied at 45 percent.

The poll also reports an increase in partisanship. Trump’s lead among Republicans increased from 66 percent to 82 percent, while Clinton’s lead among Democrats increased from 76 percent to 84 percent.

However, the Democratic National Convention is currently underway in Philadelphia, and Clinton has yet to give her big speech, so the numbers could shift again by the time August rolls around.


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