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Nationwide’s ‘dead kid’ just keeps coming back

Nationwide’s ‘dead kid’ just keeps coming back

614now Staff

Columbus-based Nationwide Mutual Insurance ran one of the most talked about ads during last year’s Super Bowl. The so-called ‘dead kid’ ad showed a boy talking about all of the things that he would be missing out on his life due to his death in a home accident. Shown on television at a time when most people were watching at bars or at home parties hooting and hollering and having a good ol’ time watching the game…the commercial proved to be quite the buzzkill.

The company said that they hoped to launch a conversation about preventable deaths. To be honest, every time that I heard people talking about the ad,…and it did continue to be a topic of conversation during the year…the talk was not about preventable deaths…but instead about how it was totally off the mark given its placement during the Super Bowl.

The commercial is making headlines again as the Wall Street Journal has just named it one of the worst ads of 2015.

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