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Online spat erupts over Hilliard mom banned from Davidson High

Online spat erupts over Hilliard mom banned from Davidson High

614now Staff

Grab some popcorn for this one.

The Columbus Dispatch reports a Hilliard mom was banned for life from Hilliard Davidson High School for allegedly making comments after a basketball game to an opposing player who elbowed her 14-year-old daughter.

But when Toni Baker saw the published article, she made it very clear she did not agree with the reporting in the online comments.

“Thanks for the horrible picture Bill and I never stated I would have [the opposing player] removed, how could I possiblly [sic] do that? That was her ALLEGATION,” Baker wrote.

Baker says she was banned because of her displeasure with the district’s handling of the special-education plan for one of her daughters, though the district says otherwise.

District spokeswoman Stacie Raterman said Baker was banned for repeated use of foul language with district staff and “harassment via hundreds of telephone calls, emails and visits to school,” with the “verbal accosting” of the teenage basketball player being the final straw.

Baker disputes these claims.

“I had to call many times to get a hold of anyone regarding my child’s 504. Hundreds is a multiplier of at least 10,” Baker writes in the comments.

She also downplayed her use of foul language.

“I have said to some staff a few words out of frustration such has hell and damn and maybe even shit. Such as, this is a damn hot mess? How the hell am I supposed to …. sorry if that offends senses.”

Though most online Dispatch readers seem to take the side of reporter Bill Bush, Baker’s comments have received a smattering of “likes” as well.

Who’s side are you on? Click the link below and peruse the comments yourself!


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