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Rival groundhogs make opposing predictions

Rival groundhogs make opposing predictions

614now Staff

The moment of truth for groundhogs everywhere has arrived, and this year, the news is contentious.

The nation’s go-to groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, did not see his shadow this morning, “predicting” an early Spring.

However, Pennsylvania’s most famous oversized rodent has some competition in Marion, Ohio’s Buckeye Chuck, who did see his shadow, divining six more weeks of winter.

Though the 614NOW staff admits some bias towards Buckeye Chuck’s superior wisdom, the opposing predictions could prophesy something different altogether.

As most central Ohio residents know, the weeks from February to March tend to sway between extremes of winter and spring. Perhaps the predictions mean we’ll see wild temperature variance in weeks to come?

Though it’s more likely that furry animals don’t predict the weather at all. Not to be a buzzkill or anything.

Either way, this year’s Groundhog’s Day is truly a battle for the ages.



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