$8.5M Spent for Columbus Police Department Body Cameras

After months of testing and fine-tuning, the CPD will officially start wearing body cameras by the end of the year. These cameras are very small, able to fit in the frames of a pair of sunglasses or on the chest or shoulder of any officer. City Council President Zach Klein thinks these body cameras will be help CPD as much as the neighborhoods they walk through on their beat.
“This helps improve policing across the nation and that’s why I’ve been such a big proponent of body cameras and I think this is just as good for police as it is for the community,” he said.
These body cameras will be deployed in eight stages, before hopefully all cameras are ready by two years.
It will cost the city $8.5M to pay for all the equipment, but Klein feels it is a smart move by the city.
“I think this is a very wise investment that helps protect the community as much as it does police,” Klein told 10tv.