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Hell Freezes Over — Columbus Scores “Fair” on Markets to Watch

Hell Freezes Over — Columbus Scores “Fair” on Markets to Watch

614now Staff

Columbus was named a market-to-watch by the annual Emerging Trends in Real Estate report, published by PWC and the Urban Land Institute. We ranked #42 on a list of nearly 80 cities. So — good job? We guess?

Overall, they ranked us fair, with — no surprise — Austin getting the #1 spot.


Via Emerging Trends in Real Estate report

This is what they said about our fair city:

“Columbus continues to benefit from good job growth that is driving real estate rent growth. Being the capital of Ohio as well as the home of the state’s largest university has helped maintain a stable economic base, and the city’s geographic location continues to enhance its position as a distribution hub. The ability to reach a large number of people by truck in a day is an advantage in the era of rising e-commerce sales. Investors have been drawn to the Columbus market and have been rewarded with attractive yields, helping raise the positive perception of the city among national investors. The presence of the university is also helping the perceived hip factor of Columbus. This desirable factor is also benefiting from a rise in the number of developments that are geared toward walkability. These developments are not concentrated in a single area, but are located in different locations within the metro area. As one ULI focus group participant described the market, “Site selection is more important than ever. You want to be in the A-plus location and avoid anything marginal.” If Columbus can continue to exhibit similar levels of activity 50 Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2017 and returns, the market will improve its perception among national real estate players. Columbus could well be considered an 18-hour Midwest city.”



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