Ministry Gives Hope to Franklinton Homeless

There aren’t a lot of people that would go out of their way to give the homeless anything more than a few dollars, or an “I’m sorry, I don’t have cash.”
Matthew 25:35 Ministry, run by Steve and Lana Fletcher, are in their fourth year of hosting, MASH — Meals and Showers for the Homeless, an event for the homeless that gives them showers, clothing, food, and even a new haircut, according to Columbus Dispatch.
More than 400 people are expected to attend, a far cry smaller than the reported 1,700 homeless of Franklin County. The event offers tabled services where people can look for additional helpful organizations, get their blood pressure checked, and hunker down to a summer meal.
Simple events like these give people in need hope and the much needed resources and attention to lead better and healthier lives.
Visit their website to make a donation to Matthew 25:35 Ministry or to find more information on volunteering.