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Unidentified Flying Monkey Stows Away on Columbus-to-Vegas Flight

Unidentified Flying Monkey Stows Away on Columbus-to-Vegas Flight

614now Staff

So a guy hid a monkey in his shirt during a Las-Vegas bound flight from Columbus. Frontier Airlines spokesman Richard Oliver says the man broke policy by bringing the service animal onboard without properly identifying it, prior.

What is especially strange is that for some reason the man refused to show any documents verifying the monkey’s status as a service animal. After landing though, law enforcement met up and finally uncovered that the monkey was a certified service animal.

Rough visualisation of a man with a service monkey.
Rough visualisation of a man with a service monkey; via NBC

The monkey doesn’t care about privacy. I just don’t understand why he didn’t produce the documents. It’s not like there isn’t enough tension and anxiety flying 20,000 feet up in the air without a monkey.

How did the man get his monkey onto the plane without anyone noticing? He snuck it in via a duffel bag according to Oliver. Of course! The classic monkey-in-a-duffel bag trick!

I’ve been to both Columbus’ airports. I think they 100% scanned that bag and saw that monkey and chose not to say anything, that’s the only way I can imagine this happening. It’s hard enough to get extra shampoo through, try and tell me they didn’t see that monkey and think, “let someone else handle this one.”

Thankfully, the monkey never got loose or uncontained, Oliver said to 10tv.

There are still so many unanswered questions though. How did they find out about the monkey if it never got loose? Is the monkey going to gamble in Vegas? I’m spinning into a spiral of mysteries.


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