Get fly with FT job at Columbus airport

614now Staff

Your wheels, wardrobe, and general well-being could use a little updating, yeah?

Get yourself some fly new stuff with all the money you’ll make working at the John Glenn Columbus International Airport.

No Dave, you won’t actually be flying, but you will be working.

CMH is hosting a huge hiring events where they will be filling 60+ full time service industry jobs. That includes positions at Max & Erma’s, Bob Evans Express, Chili’s, Eddie George’s Grill 27, American Craft Tavern, Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe, Wolfgang Puck Express, Land-Grant Brewery and Starbucks.

You’ll get hooked up with 401(k) plans, AT&T discounts, insurance packages, and $9/13 per hour.

When: Tuesday 11/21, 11/28, 12/5 and 12/12 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Where: HMSHost offices: 4300 International Gateway, Columbus, OH 43219

What to bring: Resume, picture ID with current address, as well as a social security card, birth certificate, or U.S. passport.

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Photo courtesy HMSHost


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