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Local inventor being thrown to the Sharks this November

Local inventor being thrown to the Sharks this November

614now Staff

Don’t you love sitting in your living room after coming home from your mediocre job and critiquing all the inventions on Shark Tank?

“Oh I could’ve thought of that!” We’ve all been there.

But one Columbus native actually did.

It’s called Grypmat and was derived from Tom Burden’s frustration as a mechanic. He was sick of his tools slipping off surfaces so he created a product to eliminate the issue.

The Grypmat is a rubber tray designed to stay secured to curved surfaces while also keeping the tools in it in place.


Is Grypmat the next best thing or just another gimmick? The Sharks will be the judges on November 12.

Tune into Shark Tank on ABC November 12 from 9-10pm to see Burden pitch his invention. Or, come out to the watch party for the episode hosted by Rev1 Ventures the same night.

Click here for more information about Grypmat.

Click here for more about the watch party.


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