(10/12) Today’s news in a hurry

Good evening, Cbusers, here’s everything that happened around the city while you were at work:
Top story: Return of Ritzy’s is really testing our patience
If you’ve been salivating at the thought of shoestring fries, burgers, and ice cream, you may need a bib. Due to the city of Columbus taking on…
[symple_button url=”http://614now.com/2017/news/return-of-ritzys-is-really-testing-our-patience” color=”black” button_target=”_self”]Read more[/symple_button]
Chime in: Is it time to drop AT&T yet?
As the saga of the AT&T U-Verse, DIRECTV and WBNS dispute continues, all you are left in limbo. And so far, there’s been no sign of either side letting up…
[symple_button url=”http://614now.com/2017/news/is-it-time-to-drop-att-yet” color=”black” button_target=”_self”]Read more[/symple_button]
Free food alert: Birthday in the Haus, Schmidt’s is hooking it up
German Village’s cream puff and Bahama Mama authority is celebrating their golden birthday this month. As a thank you for patronizing Schmidt’s…
[symple_button url=”http://614now.com/2017/leisure/food-drink/birthday-in-the-haus-schmidts-is-hooking-it-up” color=”black” button_target=”_self”]Read more[/symple_button]
Development: Problems at the Palace: Could downtown theatre be in danger?
The people in charge of Palace Theatre say it could be in grave danger of closing if it doesn’t receive a huge renovation…
[symple_button url=”http://614now.com/2017/news/problems-at-the-palace-could-downtown-theatre-be-in-danger” color=”black” button_target=”_self”]Read more[/symple_button]
Unbelievable: Woman accused of reaching slimy hand into Reagan Tokes fund
Most slippery thieves take to convenience stores or even banks to try to take from the kitty. But not this woman…
[symple_button url=”http://614now.com/2017/news/crime/woman-accused-of-reaching-slimy-hand-into-reagan-tokes-fund” color=”black” button_target=”_self”]Read more[/symple_button]
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