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Who says you can’t teach 100-yo clocks new time?

Who says you can’t teach 100-yo clocks new time?

614now Staff

Two pieces of history have been brought back up to speed in Downtown Columbus. This pair of clocks began keeping time for our ancestors about 100 years ago. One is located on High St. and the other on Gay St.

The restoration began seven years ago, intended to be a gift for the city on its 200th birthday. 2012 marked the bicentennial of Columbus but the clocks weren’t ticking yet.

The downtown residents association worked diligently to raise funds to repair the clocks which took more than a year. Finally, they were sent to Cincinnati for restoration. We got the clocks back in 2016 but there was a lull before electricity could get their hands spinning.

Finally, earlier this week, the clocks went “hickory dickory dock” once again

Photos courtesy of Fox28.


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