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Official 614NOW Super Bowl drinking game for non sportos

Official 614NOW Super Bowl drinking game for non sportos

614now Staff

Here at 614NOW, we’re not ESPN, Eleven Warriors, or even Barstool Sports, and we won’t claim to be. However, we do know a thing or two about boozing.

The Super Bowl is the greatest excuse of the whole year to drink on a Sunday. We’ve put together what we believe to be the most entertaining way to enjoy your Super Bowl party.

We encourage you all to enjoy yourself, but please remember to drink responsibly.

Drink once

  • If the Budweiser commercials contains a puppy
  • Every time that one call during the Saints v Rams game gets brought up
  • If someone in the room comments on Tom Brady’s looks
  • If there’s an overdramatic car commercial
  • When there’s a flag
  • If there’s at least one bag of Tostitos at your party
  • If Adam Levine’s tattoo sleeves are visible during Maroon Five’s halftime performance
  • Every time a celebrity endorser appears in a commercial
  • Every time the camera shows a celebrity at the game
  • If anyone you’re with says, “I’m full”


Finish your drink

  • When the football is spiked
  • If there’s a baby in a commercial
  • If a player who just scored taunts the camera
  • If a field goal is missed
  • If someone asks who Big Boi is
  • If a coach angrily takes off his headset

Take a shot

  • Maroon Five performs the Spongebob Squarepants song
  • Your team does not score first
  • If you cry at a commercial
  • If travis Scott proposes to Kylie Jenner


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