A Carnivore’s Guide to Eating Out With Vegetarians: Aab India

Sean Mekinda Jr.

More and more restaurants are becoming vegetarian-friendly, which is usually code for a meager offering of meatless salads and the ever-present black bean burger. But what if you want to strike out for something more robust without restricting the eating habits of those you’re with? What restaurants take the step beyond into vegetarian inclusive? Find out in A Carnivore’s Guide to Eating Out With Vegetarians.

To call Aab India a Columbus staple is an understatement. Often cited as the best Indian food in Columbus, it boasts not only a wide range of meat-based dishes but a slew of vegetable-only meal options.

Naturally, they have a host of protein for the meat eaters among us, including chicken, goat, lamb, and fish options.


But those less meat inclined won’t be protein limited at Aab either. Some dishes are based around legumes, others mushrooms, some chickpea, and others yet are filled with only greens.

They’re not small portions either—it’s all too common for vegetarians to leave a restaurant and be hungry less than an hour later. Aab delivers enough food for you to eat your fill and still have enough left over for lunch the next day.

That vegetarian in your friend group is getting tired of fries and black bean burgers. Go check out Aab India and get something that won’t leave anyone disappointed.


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