Let’s see those holiday decorations!

614now Staff

There are many spectacular lights displays around Columbus (evidenced here), but what about the ones you spend hours constructing in your own [front]yard? Or that meticulously designed mantelpiece arrangement? What about your halls decked with boughs of holly? Here’s your chance to show off the seasonal décor you work hard to perfect!

Send a photo of your merry and bright decorations to [email protected] OR post it to Instagram with the hashtag #614holidays and tag us @614magazine. We’ll feature them in our daily emails and on our social media.

Then, on December 18th, we’ll randomly select three winning photos to receive a free (614) tee!

Christy’s pup stealing the spotlight
Megan’s tree glimmering in night
Chanda’s little ones peeking out at the snow
All is calm, all is bright at Nikki’s house
A cozy scene at Challen’s
The Thompson tree with Bing the helper
Erica’s pride & joy
Robin’s Merry Mantel
A festive and colorful tree created by Cortney
Emily’s tree is minimalist in design, but maximalist in beauty
A purrfect stocking display
Cameron proudly standing with his family of Star Wars lawn decorations
Happy holidays from Jessica the cat
Samantha’s cheerful and tidy decoration setup
Pine trees aglow at the Sweeney household


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