Dr. David Whitt | Diley Medical Group

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Diley Medical Group
Dr. David Whitt
Counting on Cannabis
The story of Dr. Whitt’s Premium CBD, the physician-created brand helping patients in central Ohio and beyond
While it took Dr. David Whitt more than 20 years into an accomplished internal medicine career to take a serious look at the benefits of CBD, once he finally did, it didn’t take long at all for him to be all-in.
“Prior to marijuana becoming medicinally legal in 2016, I really didn’t know much about cannabis. It’s not something you learn about in medical school,” Whitt said. “At that point I started checking in with my patients, and I quickly came to see that it has a lot of medical properties.”
Through Whitt’s research, he learned that the human body has specialized receptors for cannabis compounds, and it even produces its own cannabinoids that play an important role in a variety of functions.
Whitt eventually tried CBD first himself, alongside a small group of friends and family. The results, he noted, spoke for themselves.
“It worked really well for all of us,” he said.
Today, to make sure patients can receive the same CBD benefits Whitt experienced first-hand, he oversees the creation of a specialized line of CBD sold through DIley Medical Group. Formulated for use among the general public, Dr. Whitt’s Premium CBD is used by patients to treat everything from anxiety, sleep and depression to chronic pain and skin conditions.
Not all brands are created equal, however. According to Whitt’s experiences, as most CBD is not federally regulated, the quality of less-reputable brands can vary greatly.
“Back in 2016, I knew people who were buying CBD from their gas station, or even tanning salons. Who knows what’s in those bottles,” he said. “We’ve met people making it in their garage.”
All of Dr. Whitt’s Premium CBD starts with Kentucky-grown hemp that’s processed at an FDA-registered facility (also in Kentucky), one Whitt visits multiple times a year. Not only is the product overseen by the doctor himself, each batch is also tested by a third party laboratory to ensure quality and transparency.
Don’t take our word for it, though: The U.S. Hemp Authority has awarded Dr. Whitt’s Premium CBD with its Certification Seal, making it one of only several companies to receive the distinction.
For those who prefer medical marijuana, Diley has what you need to get started as a new patient, and as someone continuing their care. The Columbus-based company offers multiple options to help you get the treatment you need. Patients can opt for in-person or telehealth visits, where 25 different conditions–including chronic pain, PTSD and more–can qualify them for medical marijuana in Ohio.
For first-time patients who qualify, a new medical marijuana card will cost $200, in addition to an annual $50 fee that’s paid to the state of Ohio. For patients renewing their cards, an appointment with Diley will cost $150, in addition to the annual $50 state fee. In both cases, veterans can also receive a 25 percent discount.
And whether it’s internal medicine, medical marijuana, or CBD, with Diley Medical Group you’re not just getting a product or service, you’re also receiving a network of help, meaning patients can direct questions to a live human being, not the back of a bottle.
“CBD is different for everyone, and different people might need different amounts,” Whitt said. “Instead of following a set of instructions from a bottle when you want advice, we give you someone to talk to.”
You can order Dr. Whitt’s Premium CBD at www.drwhittscbd.com. Orders typically ship the day after an order is placed, and are sent from central Ohio.