THE Woody Hayes


Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse

Name of cocktail: THE Woody Hayes

  • 1 ½ oz Maker’s Mark washed with peanut butter
  • ½ oz Godiva Dark Chocolate Liqueur
  • ¼ oz Fladgate 10 year Tawny Port
  • ¼ oz Demerara Syrup

Method: Stir and strain over a large cube in an old fashioned glass. Garnish with whipped cream, peanut butter powder, and a chocolate Ohio Candy.

Washing Maker’s Mark instructions: Skip your peanut butter powder in your protein shake on game day and add it to bourbon! For 1 bottle of Maker’s Mark, add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter powder. Let sit in bourbon for 5 hours and strain out using a coffee filter until it is no longer cloudy. Demerara Syrup: Equal parts sugar in the raw and water.

Bartender: Erin Holtman


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