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Woman who attacked pro-life activists getting harassed

Woman who attacked pro-life activists getting harassed


The mother of Victoria Duran who was caught on video attacking pro life activists of Created Equal has said her daughter has been getting harassed and they might even sue. She’s also put a security system on her house to protect her daughter, according to ABC6. “It irritates me that they are trying to make themselves be victims when they are hardly that if you’re a victim you don’t sensationalize it,” said mother Anairis Carter, the station reported. The video has gotten about 700,000 views on YouTube since it was released and Duran has apparently been harassed at work.

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Previously July 11, 2014
Probably not the way you want make a political point

It’s a weekly event that pro life activists of Created Equal hold at the state capital, and given the nature of the event they aren’t strangers to the controversy that surrounds the cause. Victoria Duran clearly didn’t agree with the group when she approached them and brought a bit violence to the pro life demonstration. She was caught on camera pushing one of the demonstrators and kicking down two signs, and has been charged with assault and criminal damaging, according to ABC6. Regardless of what side you fall on over the issue, this probably wasn’t the smartest way to make a point.

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