OSU Students Can Now Train Dogs for the Blind

For people with eye impairments or blindness, guide dogs can give them what their eyes can’t: Independence and freedom, two unique things that most people take for granted.
Ohio State is now welcoming onto campus New York based group, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, an organization that breeds and trains guidance dogs, according to The Lantern.
OSU students can get involved with the organization by becoming a puppy sitter or raise their own puppy. To do this, students must complete placement classes and become certified trainers. Raising a guide dog, according to the Lantern, can take anywhere from 12-18 months, depending on the personality of the dog.
a dog raiser will be responsible for bringing their puppies to training classes and enforcing training, something that can be a fruitful challenge considering how many different training environments OSU’s campus can provide.
OSU’s Guiding Eyes for the Blind chapter currently has three dogs in training and they hope to have 10 dogs training by the end of semester.
Sign up to become a puppy raiser and trainer at Guiding Eyes for Blind, and you could give someone in need the independence they deserve.