Zero-point, pumpkin-headed UA deer needs your help
Guys, there’s a deer meandering around in Upper Arlington with a PUMPKIN BUCKET ON IT’S HEAD. ABC6 is reporting the poor deer has been stuck like that for five days.
You know he blew right through the Snickers and certainly didn’t ration any of the candy corn. Not only is he dressed wildly out of date but the little guy is probably so sick off Halloween candy, thirsty…not to mentioned exiled by his normal, less embarrassing kin.
Deer still stuck in plastic pumpkin after 5 days as neighbors work to save him –
— ABC6 (@wsyx6) December 7, 2017
But here’s a more accurate representation of how the past five days have played out.
But in all seriousness, if you see this fellow knocking his pumpkin head around in your neck of the woods, please call Ohio Wildlife Center at (614) 734-9453 to end his nightmare.