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Ohio State to Return to Campus this Fall

Ohio State to Return to Campus this Fall

Julian Foglietti

In a press release Tuesday, The Ohio State University announced its plans to resume in-person classes for the autumn semester. Classes will begin with a series of guidelines the University will be announcing in the coming weeks. 

Return to classes will include reduced density indoors, as well as face coverings and physical distancing. In addition to this, the University has stated it is developing learning approaches that combine in-person and distanced teaching.

The academic calendar will see a shift with classes starting Tuesday, Aug. 25th, and ending Friday, Dec. 4th – with the last day of in-person, on-campus instruction taking place Wednesday, Nov. 25th. The autumn commencement date is also yet to be announced. Fall break, and the day before Thanksgiving will also not be observed. 


The University is also announcing a phased-approach to return to facilities, as well as the piloting of a voluntary contact tracing program. Housing exemption for second year students will be expanded in an effort to decrease student housing density, and move-in days will take a staggered approach. 

With regards to football, president Drake states, “our hope and intention is to safely have a football season, with an audience spaced out in our stadium, but we haven’t made any final decisions.”


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